Guest Ranches with: Guided Hikes
White Stallion Ranch Tucson, Arizona
An authentic dude ranch located in the Tucson Mountains. Ranch adjoins the Saguaro National Park. Our varied horseback riding program includes slow rides, fast rides, breakfast rides, all day rides and team penning. 45 rooms, meeting facility, heated pool, lighted …
9251 W. Twin Peaks Road
Tucson, Arizona 85743
Hawley Mountain Ranch McLeod, Montana
Experience Montana at our ranch in the wilderness north of Yellowstone Park. Enjoy horseback riding on spectacular mountain trails; fly fishing from private Boulder River frontage that we have kept catch and release for our guests; a jeep trip to …
4188 Main Boulder Rd
McLeod, Montana 59052
Drowsy Water Ranch Granby, Colorado
Two hours from Denver in a secluded mountain valley, the 600 acre Drowsy Water Ranch offers an outstanding horse program for all abilities of riders with half-day, instruction, all day, loping or walking rides, cattle penning, counseled kids programs, along …
PO Box 147
Granby, Colorado 80446
C Lazy U Ranch Granby, Colorado
One of the country's foremost guest ranches, the C Lazy U Ranch falls somewhere between a world-class resort and secluded high country retreat where scenery and guest services exceed your wildest expectations. The Ranch is Miles Above Ordinary and has …
P. O. Box 379
Granby, Colorado 80446
Red Horse Mountain Ranch Harrison, Idaho
Red Horse Mountain Ranch is located in a beautiful mountain valley just 45 minutes south of Coeur d'alene ID. Guests of all ages visit to enjoy amazing scenery, outdoor adventures, and luxurious accommodations with the rustic flair of the old …
11077 E. Blue Lake Road
Harrison, Idaho 83833
Sorrel River Ranch Resort & Spa Moab, Utah
Moab, Utah's only upscale guest ranch and spa resort, located on the Colorado River. Featuring luxury suites, a fine dining restaurant, spa services and horseback riding.
Highway 128, Mile 17
Moab, Utah 84532
Rancho de los Caballeros Wickenburg, Arizona
Old West meets new west at The Rancho de los Caballeros where we combine the dude ranches 74-year-old legacy with championship golf, a refreshing spa, luxurious private casitas and fine dining. New ownership & enhancements. Ride horseback on 20,000 acres …
1551 South Vulture Mine Road
Wickenburg, Arizona 85390
Tanque Verde Ranch Tucson, Arizona
Tanque Verde Ranch is a premiere Arizona guest ranch resort, offering fantastic horseback riding, tennis, guided hiking, mountain biking, nature walks and other nature programs, as well as a fully supervised children's program! If you're looking for a ranch vacation …
14301 East Speedway
Tucson, Arizona 85748
Bar Lazy J Guest Ranch Parshall, Colorado
Opened in 1912, Bar Lazy J is considered the oldest continuously operating guest ranch in Colorado. We believe our ranch to be ideally located just southwest of Rocky Mountain National Park and nestled in a peaceful valley on the Colorado …
447 County Road 3 Box N
Parshall, Colorado 80468
Sundance Trail Ranch Red Feather Lakes, Colorado
Summer Family Dude Ranch; Fall, Winter & Spring Country Lodge with Horseback Riding, only 100 miles NW of Denver, yet lost in the quiet beauty of the mountains - we love living here, and we love guests! Families play together …
17931 Red Feather Lakes Road
Red Feather Lakes, Colorado 80545
Zion Mountain Ranch Zion National Park, Utah
Zion Mountain Ranch sits in the high mountain of Zion National Park on a large buffalo meadow preserve. The ranch's 55 cabin suites are strategically located in the center of the countries highest concentration of National Parks and geological wonders …
9065 West Highway 9
Zion National Park, Utah 84755
Latigo Ranch Kremmling, Colorado
The moment you arrive you will want to linger forever on the front porch soaking in the breathtaking view. Skilled wranglers instruct beginner through advanced riders - family rids, sunset rides, breakfast rides, loping rides, cattle roundups, team penning, overnight …
Box 237
Kremmling, Colorado 80459
Rancho Las Cascadas San Francisco, Soyaniquilpan, Mexico
Rancho Las Cascadas was built in a beautiful setting on high plains, surrounded by mountain tops, right in the very heart of Mexico at 7'500 ft above sea level. It's easy to get here. Most flights take you directly to …
1.30 hrs from Mexico City Airport
San Francisco Soyaniquilpan, Mexico 54280
The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch Shell, Wyoming
The Hideout is located 1.5 hours east of Cody and 2 hours from the East Entrance to Yellowstone National Park in the hamlet of Shell in the foothills of The Big Horn Mountains. We are an all-inclusive, upscale riding and horsemanship …
3170 Road 40 1/2
Shell, Wyoming 82441
Elkhorn Ranch ~ Arizona Tucson, Arizona
About 50 miles SW of Tucson, you'll find Elkhorn Ranch tucked into the foothills of the Baboquivari Mts surrounded by the wide open Altar Valley. Enjoy family hospitality, friendly horses, and curious Sonoran Desert wildlife and plants. Sun seeking adults …
27000 W Elkhorn Ranch Road
Tucson, Arizona 85736
Three Bars Guest & Cattle Ranch Cranbrook, British Columbia
Three Bars Cattle & Guest Ranch is located in the southeastern corner of British Columbia in the valley of 10,000 peaks just south of Banff National park. Ranch packages range from 4 to 7 nights and are all inclusive of …
9500 Wycliffe Perry Ck Rd
Cranbrook, British Columbia V1C 7C7
4UR Ranch Creede, Colorado
The 4UR Ranch is an exclusive family fly fishing ranch and hot springs resort in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado and has been welcoming guests since the late 1880's. It offers over 6 miles of private tail water, a …
P. O. Box 340
Creede, Colorado 81130
Mountain Sky Guest Ranch Emigrant, Montana
Just south of Bozeman, Montana, Mountain Sky is nestled within more than 8,000 acres of beautiful, rugged countryside in the southeastern corner of the Montana Rockies. Located just 30 miles north of Yellowstone Park, we cater to guests who are …
P.O. Box 1219
Emigrant, Montana 59027